Tuesday, June 28, 2011

good news/bad news

The good news is, I don't really look my age.

The bad news is, I TOTALLY feel my age these days. I am pretty sure its the high blood pressure; I am on drugs for it now, which really helps, but the drugs themselves make me have no energy.

The good news is, I am probably not going to drop dead from a stroke or heart attack now, since I am on these drugs.

The bad news is, I have gained more than ten pounds since I started taking them, because its SO difficult for me to work out! Instead of feeling energized, which I always used to when I exercised, I now feel limp and exhausted after just a few minutes of working out! and if I push myself to continue, I start getting lightheaded and feeling like I'm going to faint. Its frustrating.

I am not really sure what to do. Obviously, its more important to have my blood pressure under control than to have my weight under control, but on the other hand, I know that being more fit would help my blood pressure ASIDE from the drugs. Its not like I'm fat or anything, either - but my muscles don't show anymore, which I really hate!

Yeah, I'm just whining....

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